About the Journal

BioProducts Business, a refereed journal from the Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST), is indexed in:

1. Scopus

2. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

3. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers

We look forward to your submissions.  First published in 2016, BioProducts Business is an open access journal that is a continuation of the former Journal of Forest Products Business Research. Published articles can be found here: https://biobus.swst.org/index.php/bpbj/issue/archive


BioBus is dedicated to advance theoretical and practical understanding of wide ranging business topics related to wood products, bio/renewable products, and non-wood products and services. The journal publishes timely, rigorous, technically sound, and scientific manuscripts. It strives to disseminate new knowledge bridging the scientific and professional communities. By achieving these aims it is the top-tier, high impact journal in the field.

Current Issue

2024: Volume 9, Number 2
Agricultural Tourism in Vietnam: Role of Technology for Perceived Sustainability and Visitors’ Intention to Return (Nguyen, Nguyen)
Published: 2024-05-28
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