About the Journal
Focus and Scope
BioBus is dedicated to advance theoretical and practical understanding of business topics related to a wide range of biomaterials and bioproducts that constitute the primary industry sectors of the bioeconomy, including a suite of offerings such as wood products, agricultural products, non-timber forest products and other ecosystem services. The journal publishes timely, rigorous, technically sound, and scientific manuscripts. It strives to disseminate new knowledge bridging the scientific and professional communities. By achieving these aims it is the top-tier, high impact journal in the field.
The journal welcomes empirical and theoretical contributions covering both the micro (firm level issues) and macro environments (issues spanning social, technical, economic, and policy domains) surrounding a wide range of businesses and enterprises focused on biomaterials, bioproducts, and affiliated services.
All accepted papers enhance knowledge covering domains such as marketing, management, international business, entrepreneurship, innovation, bioeconomy, strategy, business models, human resource management, sustainability, ownership, social and environmental justice, economic development, and policy.
Peer Review Process
All articles submitted for publication will undergo initial review by the Editor to determine potential suitability for the journal. If appropriate, the Editor will initiate a double blind review process that includes one member of the Editorial Board and two reviewers deemed technically capable of such review. Reviewers' recommendations comprise the basis for the Editor's decision to accept or reject a manuscript, however, the final decision for acceptance lies solely with the Editor.
The review process will be conducted in a spirit of collegiality and fairness with an aim towards improving manuscripts, balanced with maintenance of high standards for acceptance.
Publication Frequency
Accepted articles are published online upon layout completion.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Manuscripts published in the journal are open access and copyrighted according to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) which requires attribution to the author, but can be readily shared and adapted. BioProducts Business allows the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions.
Costs of publishing are defrayed through a one-time article processing fee of $600. However, authors residing in countries defined by SWST as “emerging” (see http://www.swst.org/membership/emerging/countrylist.html) will be charged $200.
Journal History
BioProducts Business (BioBus) was created by the Society of Wood Science and Technology in 2015 with the first articles published in 2016. BioBus follows a related journal, The Journal of Forest Products Business Research (JFPBR) which was hosted by the Forest Products Society (FPS) and published between 2003 and 2013. FPS maintains the official library of JFPBR articles at http://kb.forestprod.org/ and has graciously allowed the Society of Wood Science and Technology to also host JFPBR articles on the BioBus site.
The Editorial Board consists of:
- Lyndall Bull, Forestry Officer, Sustainable Forest Products, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Italy
- Paola Cetera, Researcher, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) in Rome, Italy
- Rob Kozak, Professor, Sustainable Business Management, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Katja Lähtinen, Research Professor, Business Development and Economics, Natural Resources Institute of Finland
- Erlend Nybakk, Professor, School of Economics, Innovation and Technology, Kristiania University, Norway
- Rajat Panwar, Associate Professor, Sustainable Business Management, Appalachian State University, USA
- Henry Quesada, Professor and Extension Specialist, Virginia Tech, USA
- Anders Roos, Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
- Steve Shook, Professor of Renewable Materials, University of Idaho, USA
- Cagatay Tasdemir, Assistant Professor, Forest Industry Engineering, Bursa Technical University, Turkey
- Ritva Toivonen, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Francisco Aguilar, Professor, Department of Forest Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden