Value-added Decking and Cladding - A Case Study of the Swedish Market
Decking products, Swedish market, Porter’s Five Forces, PESTEL, Value-addedAbstract
The range of value added decking and cladding products currently available on the Swedish market is probably greater than ever. Although, there are also both opportunities and threats for further development in this industry sector, the extant research has not addressed this topic. The present paper fills this gap through conducting a qualitative exploratory case study undertaken to describe the structure and macro factors influencing the industry. The study integrates PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal) framework with Porter’s Five Forces of Competitive Position. Data for the PESTEL analysis were collected from industry experts and triangulated through secondary sources. Data for the Five Forces analysis were collected through qualitative interviews. The findings indicate that PESTEL factors have neutral or positive influences on the industry, while the Five Forces analysis indicates that the strength of buyers’ power and threats from substitutes may pose future challenges. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the industry has potential for further growth and warrants attention from various players that are not yet involved.References
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