
  • Henry Quesada-Pineda
  • Robert Smith
  • Gunter Berger


CLT, building construction, CLT production, CLT drivers and barriers


According to several sources, CLT construction systems are an excellent structural choice for tall commercial and residential buildings, have excellent environmental performance, and provide an additional market for softwood and hardwood lumber. Besides and because of its engineered nature, CLT panels can be an excellent market for low value timber (lesser known species, diseased trees, infested trees, and low-grade timber). However, the US construction industry is not yet taking full advantage of the benefits of CLT construction systems due to several limiting factors including market and code acceptance, lack of knowledge, and local CLT panel manufacturing capacity. This last limiting factor is considered critical for the expansion of the US CLT market. Therefore, this research aims to investigate through a case study methodology the main challenges and barriers that CLT panel manufacturers in Western Europe had to overcome to successfully manufacture and commercialize CLT panels. It is expected that current engineered wood products firms, investors, and policy-makers will benefit from these results. Learning from failures, successes, and best practices of leading CLT companies in Western Europe can help support the potential development of CLT manufacturing capacity elsewhere.


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